According to him, the size of India's automobile industry rose from Rs 7.5 lakh crore in 2014 to Rs 22 lakh crore in 2024
The minister asked Revolt Motors to explore markets in the neighbouring countries as well as Africa and Latin America
"We will not spare you. We'll ensure that bank guarantees of those doing bad work are forfeited and after this, we will blacklist you, not allow you to apply for new tenders," the minister said
In his speech, the minister underlined the importance of ethics in both journalism and politics
"I remember one incident -- I would not name anyone -- that person said 'if you are going to become prime minister, we will support you," Gadkari said at a journalism awards function
Under new rules, private vehicles with GNSS can travel up to 20 km daily for free on select highways; a fee will be applied beyond 20 km
In a video message to the Auto Retail Conclave organised by Fada, Gadkari acknowledged that automotive dealers play a key role in realising the government's mission of a self-reliant India
The Union Minister urged all motor vehicle manufacturers to establish driving schools to ensure awareness of local rules and regulations.
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari forecasts India's EV market could hit Rs 20 trillion and 10 million annual sales by 2030. He expects the sector to create 5 million jobs
Within two years, the cost of an EV will be the same as petrol and diesel vehicles. They don't need subsidies as there already is an advantage with electric as a fuel, he says
Elaborating his views, he said at one point the price of the lithium ion battery was USD 150 per kilowatt hour. Now it is something USD 108 to 110 per kilowatt hour
At the BNEF Summit, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari highlighted the lower GST rates on electric vehicles compared to those on petrol and diesel vehicles
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways will build 74 new tunnels across India, spanning 273 km, with an estimated cost of Rs 1 trillion
Amid the controversy surrounding the Shivaji statue collapse in Maharashtra, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari suggested using stainless steel for coastal roads
Nitin Gadkari supported allowing foreign partners to hold up to 51% in tunnel projects, aiming to attract serious bidders and emphasised cost-effective, sustainable solutions
'Biofuel share will be 50% of fossil fuels in 5 yrs'
Gadkari also said there is a need to reduce imports of fossil fuels and encourage the use of biofuel
Addressing an event here, Gadkari said every politician expects media support, but the media should support what is good for democracy and the country
According to Gadkari, India accounts for 500,000 accidents and 150,000 deaths annually, while 300,000 people are injured
The Rs 1,082.56 crore-bridge, connecting Somashila in Telangana and Sangameshwar in Andhra Pradesh, has been pending for two years due to various reasons