In case of a calamity, the govt may need to step in to help those at the lower rung of the economic ladder and it may not need the insurance sector as a middleman in those circumstances
For financial sector companies setting up shop in India, as of now the go-to regulators are obviously the Sebi and the Reserve Bank of India
It is a remarkable story for the business press in India that reaches reflexively towards the few wellknown stories of Dr Reddy's or Sun Pharma and Tata Motors whenever China is mentioned
The list of companies sent by the RBI for bankruptcy resolution shows their auditors do not belong to the big four, or even the big six
Coal shortage in India had followed an annual cyclical pattern. This year that pattern has not played out
A trade war with the US might derail China's Belt and Road Initiative investments, but that's exactly what India wants to hear at the moment
A rare exception to this rule was provided by the experience of the merger of the five associate State Banks into the State Bank of India on March 31, 2017
Underfunded exam-taking bodies are no match for the stakes of examinees
The go-to person for organisations in distress talks to Subhomoy Bhattacharjee about the need for checks and balances in the corporate world
Two organisations tracking tax violations and money laundering worldwide identify totally different sets of countries for lack of financial transparency. How one reads the Panama Papers controversy de