Business Standard

Cindrella Hotels Ltd Announcements


Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Scrutinizers Report Voting results annexed. Kindly take the same on record and oblige.30/09/2024
Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Outcome of AGM The 38th AGM of The Company was held today the 28th September 2024 at 12.30 pm t...Read More28/09/2024
Reg. 34 (1) Annual Report. Please be informed you that the 38th Annual General Meeting of the Company is sc...Read More04/09/2024
Share Holders Meeting On 28-09-2024 At 12.30 PM. Dear Sir This is to inform you that the Share holders meeting of our company wil...Read More24/08/2024
Closure of Trading Window Dear SirThis is to inform you regarding the book closure of our company and date...Read More24/08/2024
Notice Of Record Date For Final Dividend For The FY 2023-24 Dear SirThis is to inform you that in compliance of Reg 42 of SEBI (LODR 2015) i...Read More24/08/2024
Financial Result For The Quarter Ended June 2024 Dear SirThais is to inform you that the meeting of the BOD of Cindrella Hotels L...Read More13/08/2024
Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of Board Meeting For The QE June 2024 Dear SirThis is to inform you that the meeting of BOD of Cindrella Hotels Ltd He...Read More13/08/2024
Board Meeting Intimation for Intimation For The Quarterly Result For The QE June 2024 CINDRELLA HOTELS LTD.-has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Director...Read More06/08/2024
Clarification sought from Cindrella Hotels Ltd The Exchange has sought clarification from Cindrella Hotels Ltd on July 19 2024 ...Read More19/07/2024
Compliances-Reg. 39 (3) - Details of Loss of Certificate / Duplicate Certificate Dear SirPFA details of share certificates issued in lieu of lost shares.Thanking...Read More15/07/2024
Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations 2018 Dear Sir/ MadamPlease find herewith the Certificate UR 74(5) of the SEBI (deposi...Read More15/07/2024
Compliances-Reg. 39 (3) - Details of Loss of Certificate / Duplicate Certificate Dear SirThis is to inform you we are attaching the the intimation received from ...Read More06/07/2024
Closure of Trading Window Dear sirThis is to inform you that the meeting of the BOD of Cindrella Hotels Lt...Read More22/05/2024
Board Meeting Intimation for AUDITED RESULT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31/03/2024 AND CLOSURE OF TRADING WINDOW CINDRELLA HOTELS LTD.-has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Director...Read More22/05/2024
Compliances-Reg. 39 (3) - Details of Loss of Certificate / Duplicate Certificate Dear SirPlease find herewith the Intimation U/Re 39(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligati...Read More14/05/2024
Certificate U/RE 40(9) By PCS Dear SirWe are submitting the Certificate from PCS for SEBI LODR Regulation 40(9...Read More17/04/2024
Compliance For The QE March 2024 Dear SirWe are submitting the Compliance Certificate certifying physical and ele...Read More17/04/2024
Compliance For The YE 2023-24 Dear SirWe are submitting herewith Compliance Certificate U/R 7 (3) certifying m...Read More16/04/2024
Certificate Under SEBI LODR Regulation 40(9) From Practicing Company Secretary. Dear Sir We are submitting herewithCertificate under SEBI Regulation 40(9) from ...Read More16/04/2024

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