Shares of Zen Technologies hit a new high of Rs 528.90, surging 10 per cent on the BSE in Wednesday’s intra-day trade amid heavy volumes. In past two days, the stock of a leading provider of military training and antidrone solutions company has zoomed 24 per cent after the company announced a significant order win in the export market. The order is valued at approximately Rs 340 crore (~ 41.5 million USD).
The average trading volumes at the counter more-than-doubled today. A combined 4.6 million shares changed hands on the NSE and BSE till 10:09 AM.
Thus far in the current calendar year, the stock has skyrocketed 184 per cent, as compared to 7.5 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex.
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Zen Technologies specializes in manufacturing land-based military training simulators, driving simulators, live range equipment, and anti-drone systems.
The management had said the company have placed bids for substantial orders and expect the results by H1FY24. To capitalise on these potential opportunities, the management said the company is taking steps to enhance the bandwidth of its key functions, including Supply Chain, Procurement, and Production Planning. The management is also optimistic about the promising prospects of the export market.