South Korean electronics maker on Monday announced that it would launch a new variant of the Galaxy S21 FE 5G smartphone in India this month. The new variant would be powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 system-on-chip, paired with up to 256GB on-board storage. According to the company, the smartphone would bring its premium Galaxy S-series inspired features.
“Samsung will be launching a new variant of Galaxy S21 FE 5G smartphone in India this month. Designed to deliver the best of Samsung’s flagship experience to young Galaxy Fans, the S21 FE 5G is power-packed with premium “S” series features. Galaxy S21 FE comes with an eye-catching design, powerful performance, a flagship pro-grade camera, and seamless ecosystem connectivity,” said Samsung.
To the uninitiated, Samsung launched the Exynos 2100-powered Galaxy S21 FE in India in 2022. The smartphone was offered in 128GB and 256GB on-board storage variants, both with 8GB RAM, at Rs 54,999 and Rs 58,999. In global markets, however, the company launched the same model with Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 chip. It is this global variant that may come to India this month.
As for the specifications, the Galaxy S21 FE 5G has a 6.4-inch fullHD+ Dynamic AMOLED 2X display of 120Hz refresh rate and up to 240Hz touch response rate. It sports a triple-camera array on the back, featuring a 12-megapixel primary sensor of an f/1.8 aperture backed by optical image stabilisation and dual pixel autofocus tech, a 12MP ultra-wide-angle sensor of an f/2.2 aperture and 123-degree field of view (FoV), and an 8MP telephoto lens of an f/2.4 aperture for up to 30x zoom capability. On the front, the phone sports a 32MP sensor of an f/2.2 aperture and 81-degree FoV.
The Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G weighs 177g and measures 7.9mm at its thinnest point. The smartphone is rated IP68 for protection against water and dust. It is powered by a 4,500mAh battery, supported by up to 25W fast wired charging and 15W wireless charging.