The Uttar Pradesh (UP) police on Tuesday announced they have joined hands with e-commerce giant Amazon India to launch a consumer awareness and education campaign Mission GraHaq (#MissionGraHAQ).
The campaign was launched to tackle the problems posed by online shopping scams. Uttar Pradesh police and Amazon are collaborating to explore several joint initiatives which will aim to empower consumers to shop online with greater confidence.
Joining hands with @amazonIN's #MissionGraHAQ campaign to spread awareness & fight against online shopping scams.— UP POLICE (@Uppolice) May 30, 2023
The joint endeavour will be an important enabler for consumers to confidently shop online & remain vigilant.#CyberCrime @UPGovt @jagograhakjago @Chetankrishna
The two have agreed to join forces in order to educate online consumers about their rights while simultaneously raising awareness about safe shopping practices, according to media reports.
The partnership comes at a time when the cases of online shopping scams have seen a spike. According to a 2022 NDTV report, 62 per cent of Indians faced online shopping scams during the festival season.
The partnership comes at a time when the cases of online shopping scams have seen a spike. According to a 2022 NDTV report, 62 per cent of Indians faced online shopping scams during the festival season.
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The report further said nearly 60 per cent of Indian adults admitted to taking more risks when online shopping during the gift-giving season than at other times of the year."
These joint projects will include some special initiatives, which will be aimed at enhancing the online safety of women by creating awareness about identity theft, impersonation, and online financial fraud.
Special DG of Law and Order, Prashant Kumar said, "Amazon is a strong partner and our alliance will help us not just fight but also prevent online scams. Our initiatives, especially social media campaigns, will be an important enabler to help consumers shop online with confidence. Our partnership comes at a time when we are witnessing a significant surge in online transactions post-Covid. There's an increased need for consumers to be vigilant and our joint initiatives will help us do just that."
Commenting on the announcement of the partnership, Vice President, of Public Policy, Amazon India Chetan Krishnaswamy said, "Amazon is excited to join forces with the Uttar Pradesh Police to promote awareness on online scams and frauds. This association will help us deliver on our shared mission of enhancing online safety and promoting a trustworthy digital space ... This collaboration will not only educate a large consumer base but also enable us to identify and foster a secure digital experience."