CG Power and Industrial Solutions has completed the acquisition of G G Tronics for Rs 319 crore, the company said. In a BSE filing on Tuesday, the company said it has completed the acquisition of G G Tronics on August 20. Last month, the company entered into definitive agreements for acquisition of 55 per cent stake of GG Tronics through a combination of purchase of equity shares from GGT promoters and by way of subscription to compulsorily Convertible Preference Shares for an aggregate consideration of Rs 319.38 crore. Pursuant to the completion of the said acquisition, GG Tronics is now a subsidiary of the company with effect from August 20, 2024, it said.
Kaul has over 30 years of total work experience, 12 years of which has been overseas experience
The developer has to complete the entire construction and development of the 'new building'; the company and the developer shall be entitled to an equal share, i.e., 50% in the new building.
CG Power stock up date: CG Power hit a new high of Rs 669.05, as they rallied 6% on the BSE in Friday's intra-day trade and saw its market capitalisation touch Rs 1.02 trillion mark.
In the past six months, the BSE Capital Goods index has outperformed the market by surging 31%, as against a 11% rally in the S&P BSE Sensex.
CG Power and Industrial Solutions on Monday reported 10 per cent dip in consolidated net profit to Rs 234 crore for March quarter FY24, mainly due to higher expenses. Its net profit (from continuing operations) was Rs 260 crore in the quarter ended March 31, 2023, a regulatory filing said. Total income rose to Rs 2,239.83 crore from Rs 1,917.05 crore in the year-ago period. Total expenses also surged to Rs 1,932.80 crore from Rs 1,654.63 crore in the same period a year ago. However, consolidated net profit (from continuing operations) rose to Rs 871 crore in fiscal 2023-24 from Rs 796 crore in 2022-23. Total income in the fiscal increased to Rs 8,152.24 crore from Rs 7,040.30 crore a year ago. The results include the performance of the operating subsidiaries in Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands (Drives and Automation Europe), CG Adhesives Products Ltd (India), CG Semi Pvt Ltd (India) and other non-operating and holding subsidiaries. The company is an engineering conglomerate w
The joint venture between CG Power, Renesas Electronics Corp and Stars Microelectronics (Thailand) will set up an outsourced semiconductor assembly and test (OSAT) facility in India
Murugappa Group company CG Power and Industrial Solutions has signed an agreement with two foreign entities to set up an Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test facility and plans to invest Rs 7,600 core in India over five years. The two entities are Renesas which is a leading semiconductor company headquartered in Japan and Stars Microelectronics, a Thailand-based Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test (OSAT) provider, CG Power and Industrial Solutions (CG) said in an exchange filing on Friday. "CG, a part of Tube Investments of India Limited and the Murugappa Group, Renesas Electronics Corporation (Renesas) and Stars Microelectronics (Thailand) Public Co. Ltd (Stars Microelectronics) recently signed a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) to establish a Joint Venture (JV) to build and operate an OSAT facility in India," the filing said. The JV will be 92.3 per cent owned by CG, with Renesas and Stars Microelectronics each holding equity capital of approximately 6.8 per cent and 0.9
Facility will be financed through a mix of subsidies, equity and potential bank borrowings
The Cabinet, on Thursday, approved the setting up of three semiconductor plants including CG India's. The construction of these plants will start in the next 100 days
As many as 49 stocks turned ex-dividend on the bourses this week. Here's a quick chart check on select five among them.
CG Power and Industrial Solutions Ltd has reported a standalone profit after tax of Rs 216.47 crore for the October-December 2023 quarter, the company said in a statement on Wednesday. The company's standalone PAT for the corresponding quarter of last financial year was Rs 242.75 crore. For the nine months ending on December 31, 2023, the company's standalone PAT grew to Rs 763.77 crore from Rs 545.13 crore registered during the same period of last year, the Murugappa Group company said in the statement. During the quarter under review, the company realised that there was a weak demand for motors and took a strategic call to sell aggressively to retain their customers and protect its turf. This strategy had an effect of margins dipping on one hand while simultaneously helping gain a market share on the other, the company said. The standalone total income during the quarter under review went up to Rs 1,914.86 crore from Rs 1,680.30 crore registered in the corresponding period of the
CG Power and Industrial Solutions on Tuesday reported a 15.45 per cent decline in its consolidated net profit to Rs 197 crore in the December quarter, as the company had an exceptional income in the year-ago period . The company's consolidated net profit (from continuing operations) was Rs 233 crore a year ago, according to a regulatory filing. The company said there was an exceptional income of about Rs 31 crore in the quarter ended on December 31, 2022, while there was no such adjustment in the same period of 2023. Total income rose to Rs 2,006.79 crore in the third quarter from Rs 1,787.01 crore a year ago. The company's consolidated results include the performance of the operating subsidiaries in Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands (drives and automation Europe), CG Adhesives Products Ltd. (India) and other non-operating and holding subsidiaries, the filing said. In a meeting held on Tuesday, the company's board approved the payment of an interim dividend of Rs 1.30 per equity
The company today filed an application seeking government nod to set up an Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test (OSAT) facility and the grant of subsidy for the said project.
CG Power and Industrial Solutions on Friday posted a 37 per cent growth in consolidated net profit to Rs 244 crore in the September quarter, mainly on the back of higher revenues. The company's profit was at Rs 178 crore in the quarter ended September 30, 2022, a BSE filing said. Total sales of the company increased to Rs 2,002 crore during the quarter under review from Rs 1,675 crore in the same period a year ago. The consolidated results include the performance of the company's operating subsidiaries in Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands (Drives and Automation Europe), as well as CG Adhesives Products Ltd (India), and other non-operating and holding subsidiaries, the filing said. According to the filing, the company's Board of Directors on Friday approved a proposal to expand the manufacturing capacity of switchgears at its Nashik plant with the investment of Rs 155 crore, power transformers in Bhopal with an allocation of Rs 31 crore (for addition of 10,000 MVA capacity) and H
Thus far in the calendar year 2023, the stock has rallied 59 per cent as compared to 6 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex
CG Power and Industrial Solutions on Monday said its consolidated profit after tax (PAT) rose multi-fold to Rs 428.22 crore in March quarter 2022-23 on account of increased income. It had reported a PAT of Rs 111.65 crore for the year-ago quarter, the company said in a BSE filing. Total income surged to Rs 1,917.05 crore from Rs 1,492.77 crore in January-March FY22. Total expenses rose to Rs 1,654.63 crore from Rs 1,358.03 crore a year ago. CG Power is an engineering conglomerate with diverse portfolio of products, solutions and services for power and industrial equipment and solutions.
CG Power hit a new high of Rs 327, surging 5 per cent in the intra-day trade, after MSCI decided to include the Murugappa Group company in India index
A combined 4.75 million shares representing 0.31 per cent of total equity of the company changed hands on the NSE and BSE till 12:10 PM.
CG Power and Industrial Solutions on Tuesday said its consolidated net profit declined 58 per cent to Rs 227.86 crore in December quarter 2022-23. The company's net profit in the year-ago period was Rs 545.06 crore, according to a BSE filing. Total income rose to Rs 1,809.95 crore in the quarter from Rs 1,558.89 crore in the same period a year ago. Total expenses also increased to Rs 1,528.22 crore from Rs 1,385 crore in the same period of 2021-22. The company's board has also approved a proposal to expand the manufacturing capacity of power transformer and distribution transformer units of the company at its plants in Malanpur and Bhopal at an investment of Rs 126 crore. The proposed expansion would increase the capacity from 17,000 MVA to 25,000 MVA for power transformers and from 6,900 MVA to 9,900 MVA for distribution transformers. The current capacity utilization is around 65 per cent. The expansion project is expected to be implemented within a period of 15 months and will