Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin visited the offices of Apple, Google and Microsoft and discussed opportunities for investment and partnerships. The Chief Minister, currently on a visit to the USA to attract investments to Tamil Nadu, on Saturday described the visit to the offices of Apple, Google and Microsoft as awe-inspiring." Discussed various opportunities and exciting partnerships. Determined to strengthen these partnerships and make Tamil Nadu one of the foremost growth engines of Asia! @TRBRajaa @Guidance_TN @TNIndMin #InvestInTN #ThriveInTN #LeadWithTN #DravidianModel, Stalin said in a post on the social media platform X.
The feature will soon be available in Google Search in the United Kingdom, India, Japan, Indonesia, Mexico, and Brazil
A US court ruled that Google violated the country's antitrust laws with its search business by illegally holding a monopoly over search and text advertising
The Notes experiment aimed to let users connect by adding tips on an article in Search results. The Notes experiment will end by the end of July
Support for QR code and Barcode scan in Circle to Search was identified in the Google app version beta, reported consumer technology news platform Android Authority
Part of Pixel's June Feature Drop update, the lookup feature allows users to identify unsaved numbers from their call directory without necessitating use of any third party apps
Data shows that the AI Overviews in Google Search appears for only 15 per cent of search queries. The reduced visibility, however, is not the result of recent criticism over misleading overviews
However, Google has admitted that AI Overviews in Search is not free from flaws and the company is working to make it better
Reportedly, the document which was allegedly meant for Google employees got accidentally published on GitHub
Google said that during the testing phase of AI Overviews in Search Generative Experience, it found out that users find ads appearing above and below the AI-generated overview "useful"
More than 695 candidates are competing from 49 constituencies with over 89.5 million people qualified to vote. Voting for the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha Elections begins in 49 seats across 8 states
Google is set to bring expanded AI overviews, more planning and research capabilities, and AI-organised search results to the Search
Google said Gemini AI is set to become the foundational model powering its services such as Search, Photos, Workspace, Android, and more
Google on Tuesday rolled out a retooled search engine that will frequently favor responses crafted by artificial intelligence over website links, a shift promising to quicken the quest for information while also potentially disrupting the flow of money-making internet traffic. The makeover announced at Google's annual developers conference will begin this week in the U.S. when hundreds of millions of people will start to periodically see conversational summaries generated by the company's AI technology at the top of the search engine's results page. The AI overviews are supposed to only crop up when Google's technology determines they will be the quickest and most effective way to satisfy a user's curiosity a solution mostly likely to happen with complex subjects or when people are brainstorming, or planning. People will likely still see Google's traditional website links and ads for simple searches for things like a store recommendation or weather forecasts. Google began testing A
The feature would allow users to ask ChatGPT a question and receive answers that use details from the web with citations to sources such as Wikipedia entries and blog posts
Being the default search engine gives Google access to more users generating more queries than its rivals, allowing it to improve its algorithms and results, DOJ lawyers argued
Users can save filters to their Google accounts with custom tags and use them across mobile and desktop for tailored search results
The US Justice Department has argued that OpenAI's ChatGPT and other innovations may have been released years ago if Google hadn't monopolised search market
Earlier, Google rolled out the gesture-driven visual search feature to more Pixel and Samsung Galaxy devices
Meta plans to release Llama 3 in the upcoming weeks, while OpenAI's AI model 'GPT-5' will also be introduced soon