Dera Sacha Sauda chief and rape convict Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh has been granted a 21-day furlough, official sources said on Tuesday. During his temporary release period, Singh will go to the Dera ashram in Barnawa in Uttar Pradesh's Baghpat, they further said. The Sirsa-headquartered Dera sect chief was granted the temporary release days after the Punjab and Haryana High Court disposed of the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee's (SGPC) petition against Singh's temporary release. The high court on August 9 observed that a plea for temporary release by the Dera chief should be considered by the competent authority without any "arbitrariness or favouritism". In June, Singh moved the high court and sought directions to grant him a 21-day furlough. On February 29, the high court directed the Haryana government not to grant further parole to the Dera Sacha Sauda chief without its permission. He had been granted a 50-day parole on January 19. Singh is serving a 20-year sentence f
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim and four others were sentenced to life imprisonment in 2021 by a CBI court for their conviction in the murder of Dera manager Ranjit Singh
Dera Sacha Sauda chief and rape convict Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh has been granted 50-day parole, official sources said on Friday. The parole comes two months after the Sirsa-headquartered sect chief had walked out of the Sunaria jail in Haryana's Rohtak district on November 21 last year after he was granted a 21-day furlough -- his third temporary release from jail in 2023. During his temporary release period, Singh will go to the Dera Sacha Sauda Ashram in Barnawa in Uttar Pradesh's Baghpat. Singh is serving a 20-year jail term for raping two of his disciples. The Dera chief had walked out of the Sunaria jail on a 30-day parole on July 30, 2023, while he was granted a 40-day parole in January last year as well. In October 2022 too, he was granted a 40-day parole. Before that, he had come out of prison on a month-long parole in June 2022. Besides, he was granted a three-week furlough on February 7, 2022. In 2021, the Dera chief, along with four others, was also convicted for hatc
The HC has also sent notices to the Punjab government, the Haryana government, and the center
Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh walked out of the Sunaria jail in Haryana's Rohtak on Saturday after he was granted a 40-day parole
Live news updates: As per the schedule, the polling to the 60 Assembly constituencies will be held on February 16 and counting will take place on March 2
Delhi Commission for Women chief Swati Maliwal has written a letter to PM Modi, seeking changes in remission and parole rules in context with the parole given to rape convict Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh
Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh who is serving a jail term after being convicted in rape and murder cases reached Dera Sacha Sauda Ashram in Barnawa of Uttar Pradesh
Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh returned to Rohtak's Sunaria jail on Monday after his month-long parole ended
Punjab and Haryana High Court on Monday dismissed the writ petition that was filed by some people alleging the replacement of Dera Sacha Sauda chief, with a dummy person
Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh walked out of the Sunaria jail in Haryana's Rohtak Friday morning on month-long parole
Jailed Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh walked out of a prison in Haryana's Rohtak Friday morning on a month-long parole
Gurmeet Ram Rahim who is currently lodged in Sunaria Jail of Rohtak will now appear only through video conferencing in matters related to the 2015 sacrilege incidents
Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh has been given Z-plus security cover during his 21-day release on furlough from a Haryana jail
Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, who is lodged in Sunaria jail in Haryana's Rohtak district, was granted a three-week furlough on Monday, officials said.
The Dera chief, who enjoyed a large following, had frequently courted controversies and after his conviction in the rape case in 2017
Revenues of his movie business have dropped to zero, while his FMCG business, which was touted as a rival to Patanjali, is on the brink of extinction
Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim will be produced in the court through video conference from Sunaria jail in Rohtak
The court will announce the quantum of punishment to Ram Rahim, former sect manager Krishan Lal along with carpenters Kuldeep and Nirmal for conspiring to murder journalist Ram Chander Chhatrapati
Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh will be produced in the court through video conference from Sunaria jail in Rohtak, where he is currently serving 20-year prison term for raping two of his women followers