India's industrial production grew 5 per cent in April this year mainly due to good show by mining and power sectors, according to official data released on Wednesday. The factory output measured in terms of the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) witnessed a growth of 4.6 per cent in April 2023. India's Index of Industrial Production grew by 5 per cent in April 2024, an official statement said. The data released by the National Statistical Office (NSO) showed that the manufacturing sector's output grew 3.9 per cent in April 2024 against 5.5 per cent in the year-ago month. In April this year, mining production rose 6.7 per cent and power output increased 10.2 per cent.
The IIP had grown by 1.9 per cent in March 2023
Core industries contributing to this growth, include coal, natural gas, cement, steel, crude oil, electricity, and refinery products which make up 40.27% of India IIP
Food and beverage recorded an inflation of 8.66 per cent vs 8.3 per cent in January 2024
Food and beverage recorded an inflation of 8.3 per cent in January 2024, compared to 8.70 per cent the previous month
Retail inflation in December, on the other hand, rose to a four-month high because of a seasonal spike in the prices of vegetables, fruits, and pulses that the Reserve Bank of India has already factor
All indices in the IIP were at 100 in 2011-12 because it was the base year of the new series
Food inflation also declined to a three-month low of 6.56 per cent in September from 9.94 per cent in August
Food inflation fell to 6.56 per cent in September against 9.67 per cent in August
Production has been falling consistently over years
Core inflation, which excludes volatile food and fuel items, hovered around 5 per cent due to a slight deceleration in price rise of services
The IIP growth rate for the month of May came at 5.2%, according to the government release
Food inflation fell to an 18-month low of 2.91 per cent in May from 3.84 per cent in April
Segment falls 12% in FY23 over that in FY19 due to muted demand
With inflation remaining well below the tolerance band, experts foresee the RBI to maintain an extended pause
CLOSING BELL: Eicher Motors, M&M, IndusInd Bank, Axis Bank, HUL, Tata Motors, HDFC Bank, SBI, Hero MotoCorp, Bajaj Finance and ICICI Bank were the top gainers of the day
Industrial output rose to 3-month high in Feb
Factory output measured in terms of the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) grew 1.2 per cent in February 2022
One reason for decline is muted domestic demand, particularly in rural areas due to high inflation
Infrastructure goods and capital goods grew at a robust 8.1 per cent and 10.95 per cent, respectively