Reserve Bank of India on Friday said it has imposed a penalty of Rs 2.68 crore on UCO Bank for contravention of certain provisions, including on opening of current accounts, interest rate on deposits and frauds classification. The RBI has also imposed a penalty of Rs 2.1 lakh on Cent Bank Home Finance Ltd for non-compliance with certain provisions of Know Your Customer (KYC) directions. In both cases, the central bank said penalties are based on regulatory compliance and are not intended to pronounce upon the validity of any transaction or agreement entered into by the entities with their customers.
The government think tank NITI Aayog has pitched for a set of guidelines for assessing the creditworthiness and background verification for those availing loans under the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY). The Aayog in a report titled 'Impact Assessment of PMMY' suggested encouraging E-KYC authentication for loan underwriting. This will enhance the effectiveness of assessment checks. "A set of guidelines for assessing the creditworthiness and background verification must be enlisted to provide a security net to the banks, considering the loans are collateral free and a proper risk check and assessment has a critical role to play in the sustainability of results and success of the scheme," it said in the report posted on its website. The majority of borrowers under PMMY are small entrepreneurs who have very limited documents and this makes it difficult for the banks to run verification checks as it requires more staffing and employees. The Aayog also suggested that a proper reward
The banking regulator received 22 applications for this cohort of the regulatory sandbox
Remitting bank shall obtain and keep a record of the name and address of beneficiary, according to new norms
Every single transaction that is made in the stock market is linked to your demat account and your PAN card
The Department has also directed them to re-verify 31,740 mobile connections linked to these mobile handsets
Sebi has asked KYC registration agencies to upload KYC details of all capital market investors from August 1
An enabling ecosystem where financial planning is popular will allow investors to feel comfortable while making suitable investments based on goals, risk-taking abilities, and resources
Sebi earlier required that all mutual fund investors link their PAN with Aadhaar to complete KYC process
The Department of Telecom has directed telecom operators to verify more than 6 lakh mobile connections suspected to have been obtained using invalid, non-existent, or fake documents, an official statement said on Thursday. The DoT has issued directives to telecom operators to carry out immediate re-verification of the identified mobile numbers within 60 days. "DoT has identified approximately 6.80 lakh mobile connections suspected to have been obtained using invalid, non-existent, or fake and forged Proof of Identity (PoI) and Proof of Address (PoA) KYC documents," the statement said. The department has flagged around 6.80 lakh mobile connections as potentially fraudulent after advanced AI-driven analysis. "The questionable veracity of the PoI/PoA KYC documents suggests the use of fabricated documents for obtaining these mobile connections. DoT has issued directives to the TSPs to carry out immediate re-verification of these identified mobile numbers. All TSPs are mandated to ...
Investors with an 'on hold' KYC status will not be able to carry out any transactions in mutual funds
Keep Aadhaar, registered mobile number and scanned documents handy before starting online procedure
It has proposed that payment aggregators will be required to undertake Contact Point Verification (CPV) of entities which involves physical verification of customers
15% under KYC Registered status, 12% on hold as of March 31
Video-based KYC is a digital method used by financial institutions to authenticate their customer's identities via video calls.
NHAI's decision to implement the 'One Vehicle, One FASTag' policy stems from concerns over the misuse of FASTags
Uniform KYC can reduce the burden of repeated KYC processes for the customer or the organisation
FIDC said adherence to all applicable laws and regulations at all times is a sine qua non. Specifically, norms relating to Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laundering (AML) should be followed
In numerous instances, members are unaware of the policy's existence, let alone its details
IDfy said the funds will boost their expansion plans and product development, enabling them to serve even more businesses